Monday, February 28, 2011


Year: 1985
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Sports - Baseball

I suppose that not every game can have - or even needs - a clever title. After all, Contra is one of the most well-known and beloved games of all time, and "contra" just refers to resistance fighters in general. In some cases, however, a clever title - or even just a bit of elaboration on a fairly obvious title - seems to be in order.

Do you think Nintendo tried to trademark the name?

10-Yard Fight

Year: 1985
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Sports - Football 

Let's start this at the beginning (well, the beginning here in the Americas, anyway). The year is 1985, and the NES has finally been released in the United States. With it comes what will be remembered as one of the most hit and miss selection of release titles in history. The first game alphabetically on that list? 10-Yard Fight.

I won't fault them for their tastefully minimalistic
title screen.

The Master List

This is a master list of all the games that have been reviewed on this Blog. This list will be populated with links as we progress.

Why Review an Obsolete System?

"There is nothing new under the sun." King Solomon said that, and I'm pretty sure he cribbed it from someone else, possibly someone who was reviewing classic games. Given the preponderance of web reviewers obsessed with the classic Nintendo, one might well ask why anyone would bother setting out on a project to review every single Nintendo game ever made. The answer is actually pretty simple: because I want to.

I'm John, this is Every NES Game.